Sunday, September 7, 2008


"I'm sorry I dont do French kiss. I do Australian kiss."

"And how the hell does Australian kiss works?"

"Its like French kiss, only its done down under."

ROFL. Those are actually real conversation I had with Crystal. Thanks to quick reflex, I avoided getting slapped by her XD. The idea of Australian kiss is taken straight of Elfie's blog.

Exam's over. Fasting month started. Im holding myself better then I thought. Sure I broke ONCE AND ONLY ONCE during exam. But other then that I'm doing quite well :)

There's really not much update on my life really. Just been lazing around waiting for time to fly so I could eat. Worst off my parents will be out for a few days so I'm stuck alone at home starving. Its not that bad since I get to try out lotsa stuff at the bazaar . With my parents around my mum would be cooking and my dad would tell me not too spend too much on food. Now that theyre out I can try out lotsa neat food.

Otak-Otak + Honey Chicken Wing + Roti John + Chicken Rice = Immense hunger satisfaction + Diarrhoea. Lol.

Garhhhh I'm bored outa my head. I miss school. At least there I always have someone to crap with.

Lol. Broccoli guy. Was drawn by Rowena back in form 4. Theres also Apple Man, Durian Boy and Peanut Dude. In fact we displayed her artwork at the back of our class back then lol.

Rowena and me during graduation. I miss how cheerful she was :)

Taken off Su Yee's blog. Why? Because its just cool to play 2 instrument at once.

And lastly:

Gotta love spartan jokes

Oh god I'm bored to death. I need more drama in my life.

~You know I love you so~

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