Thursday, December 31, 2009

Buhbai 09 ``~

Oh hai. So like I suppose I am entitled to write a last-blog-post-of-the-year-post thingy like everyone else who is active on their blog.

So 2009 has been quite a satisfying year for me. Well satisfying is such a relative term really. Because if you look at me this year you'll see that I don't really have anything to be satisfied about.

I actually typed out a whole bunch of stuff concerning this year and realized that its basically the same fucking shit that I went through last year. Its just stupid to type it all out again.

The only thing that I really think is worth mentioning is that I faced a shitload more self realization about myself as compared to previous years.

And also, this is the year in which I truly believed that ignorance is the biggest cancer in society. Yes I suppose this is pretty random. But it is worth noting.

Lastly, wishing Ms. Samantha Ong a very happy birthday. Though I don't think she checks my blog anymore. And also she didn't even wish me for my birthday this year.

So yes this is my end of year post. I just wanna say to all my friends that even though at times I might not show it, I love yall trully (lol ok this is a lie. Some of you are just pathetic).

Except for that girl who wish I was dead. You on the other hand, can just burn in hell.

Happy New Year people. God bless you.

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