Saturday, August 21, 2010

adsfghadsklfadskhfjdfadsfadsfadsfdafsadsfdfadsfadsfadsfdfadfadfdfs akgjakdsafkjdsafhadsfkjadskfjadsfklhjadsfkhjadskhfjadkjsfdkjsfguoiwqoiwerklhjdfkljhasf,sv,mcvadklshf dfkljadsklhfadsklfadsfkljadsflafl;iujweoliufjloifjdsalkfjdslfdsaklfjadsfld;sufidfsli

Only you can make me feel this way.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

*insert witty post title here*

So all of a sudden I have this urge to write something... anything. But as per usual, any urge I have on writing is instantly gone the instance I actually tried writing. But hey here goes:

Morning Shits.
I'm not sure what it is, but lately, every morning I wake up feeling like I just swam through a river of shit or if you prefer me putting it bluntly, feeling shitty. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Please I've been waking up to only one side of the bed for the past 6 years. But then again, I was never a morning person in the first place, but lately its just getting unbearable.

I Wish God Has Twitter.
I've been asking myself some really stupid questions lately. Well its not stupid, its just something nobody can give me an answer to. Except God maybe. But this is a question I have to ask God personally over a cup of coffee, and thats not gonna happen anytime soon. Though I suspect that would make an interesting book title; "Coffee With God".

Personality Resumé.
I was never exactly the "go-to-guy". In fact, I was more of a "where-did-he-come-from-guy". But I'm fine with that. I never enjoyed being the center of attention. Heck, most of the time I just avoid it. I'm not anti-social either, I'm just bad at the social game, thats all. Also I have self-esteem issues. But thats a story for another day I guess.

Hitler is a Pretty Nice Guy.
Its easy to tell if someone dislikes you. You can tell by the tone of their voice, their body language when you're around them, how they talk to you, etc (ProTip: If somebody tells you to that they wish you'd just die, chances are, they hate you). I'm fine with people not liking me. I'm aware of my flaws. I won't kill myself over it. Its a mind over matter thing: I don't mind because most of the time, they don't matter shit.

But I won't lie, it hurts when you realized that the people whom you actually care for, never felt the same.

Achtung Baby.
I have 181 contacts on my MSN. 28 of them are currently online. On average I only talked to... 1 person. But I'm cool with that. Because I'll never get bored talking to her and hopefully, vice versa.

She's that awesome.

Cheers to you darling.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I miss the days where I just come up here and write whatever nonsense that's going through my head.

But that's just me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For what its worth,

I think I'm crazy for you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sundown to Sundown ``~

I seem to enjoy sitting down by the foyer of college and just stare at the rain. There seems to be some sort of therapeutic effect in just staring blankly at the rain. I don't know whether its the smell, the sight or the sound, but something about the rain calms me down. Its as though I can just sit there for hours and hours without a care in the world and oblivious to the surrounding. Well, except maybe...

"Dude, check out her boobs!"

I laugh. College students at their finest.

"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library" - Frank Zappa

~In flimsy nightgowns, barefoot she dances in the rain,
Sundown to sundown, like she was washing way her pain~

~As she is beatiful, she's unpredictable,
Damned irresistible, is it plausible to hate her?~

~She is my common sense, revels on decadence,

But what's the difference? It's an impossible debate~

Monday, May 10, 2010

So it must be good.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A little love ``~

Just a little ♥ goes a long way.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

We're missed ``~

She misses us Malay and Chinese. Awww you.

No luck for the Indian it seems

The most lyrically challenging song ever.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Lets see, I started work at 3, and now is.... almost 6. Means I've been working for 3 hours already. I have to work for 8 hours, meaning I still got.... 5 more hours to go."

"Planning your work schedule Jayde?"

"No I'm just wondering if its too early to use my break..."

Friday, April 9, 2010

Because being a douche is ♥

Sunday, March 28, 2010

*gasp* A Blog Post??? ``~

Oh yes, I finally decided to write something after all.

I find it hard to close down this blog or ignore it cuz ya know, I kinda enjoy rereading what I wrote here. Its a good reminder of how retarded or bored I am. Does that make me narcissistic? I dont think so.

A new semester has started in Sunway and so far my lecturers are as interesting as a rock. But I still got two more lecturers to meet so yeah, fingers crossed.

Oh oh and also, Sunway Medical Centre Starbucks has become my new favorite after college hangout place thanks to this cina lady called JayDee Lok <-- Clicky. So you can almost always find me there after college :D

Oh btw, I'm feeling happy these past few months. Just thought I'd throw that in here.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Yes. They are.

Friday, February 5, 2010

So I'm not that active on this blog anymore. Basically its all thanks to Twitter. If yur all that interested for whatever reason in getting updates from me, just fking follow my Twitter.

White Lies is awesome.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I never noticed my heart before....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

That feeling an addict would get when he's not receiving his drug. Thats what this feels like. I'm just not sure what drugs I'm missing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Religion ``~

Church burning in Kuala Lumpur

This is the kind of nonsense that make me want to get the fuck out of this country more.

I mean seriously what. the. fuck?

If the group who did this are Muslims, congratulations. You have just successfully screwed us even harder then we already are.

If the group who did this are politicians, I'm not fucking surprise. More reason for me to gtfo of here.

If the group who did this are Christians, we have gotten ourselves royally trolled

If the group who did this just simply want to cause a religious unrest, then the end of earth is pretty much close at hand.

Whats wrong with this damn country.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lifestick ``~

This is a lifestick.

Do not ask any question. Just accept that this is a lifestick.

Its so gay that only the manliest of man can use it.

This is a lifestick.