fuck this shit
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
~Only time will tell
Time will turn and tell~
Could have been lovers but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who, we are who we were when~
Could have been more but at least you're still my day late friend
We are who, we are who we were when~
Farking the emo sial
Posted by
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Every morning I wake up to a different nonsensical dream. Go to class for 1~2 hours and head to FTZ with friends. This is getting insanely tiring.
Posted by
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Nation's Retardation ``~
This post is dedicated to a certain friend of mine. I'm pretty sure none of you are interested but in case you're that curious her name is Jaydee. Jaydee Lok. Now read that like how Bond pronounce his name.
Heres the thing about Jaydee (I'm gonna call her J.D now for short. Not to be mistaken for the other cooler male J.D I know, though thats not saying much.), shes retarded. Sometimes retarded in the cute funny kinda way, sometimes its just nonsensical. Go figure which one comes in more often. Oh did I mention shes a loser?
She also thinks I'm a retarded loser. Which is why I think we enjoy each others company. Well at least I enjoy her company. So everytime we hang out you get to see 2 retarded loser walking around pyramid with nonsense sprouting out of each others mouth. She talks alot. And not to mention that she talks really fast. Yet for some reason I often listen and understood her. Maybe its just a weird way how the universe wants to torture me. Or maybe its just how our retarded nature synchronised with each other. I dont know. The main point is that she talks alot of nonsense really fast and I understood her.
Hey if great mind thinks alike, why not the retarded one as well?
When she first saw me she claims I was smelling my toe. This is a lie. I wasn't smelling my toe. I have an incredibly sexy feet. I was just admiring it. I also once defended her in tuition because our teacher scolded her for something she did not do. Thinking back, I slightly regretted doing that. Because seeing her getting scolded would be funny. But hey I was young and stupid (she still thinks I am stupid, I think so too because I'm still friends with her.)
If you read everything up to this point and comes to a conclusion that I dislike her or something, I'd like you to go back to grade school, because your literature failed so badly. As a matter of fact I rather sayang this girl for no apparent good reason. Shes one of those few people who can message or call me in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping and does not get a "Fuck off" as a reply. And not to mention shes on the top of my list of my most favourite dungu.
Also I'm dedicating a post for her. Isn't that saying something already.
Oh btw she might not admit it, but I think she have a slight fetish for my hair. Cant blame her though, everyone does.
This is Jaydee btw. I stole this picture from yur facebook. Of course I considered asking your permission, but I got lazy and just copy and past it niwae. I would like to put that picture of her with a Lama but I'm scared that people will get confused on who is who.
Edit: She demanded that I mention the awesomeness she did on Baskin Robbin yesterday. I (being the incredibly charming, kind gentleman I am) decided to belanja her a scoop of ice cream at Baskin Robbin. She wanted Green Tea the dude told her it was out. So she asked for Mint Chocolate Chip instead, but that too was out. Of course naturally being a woman, she did what woman do best; Sucking Up. And guess what? The dude got her a cup full of leftover Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream. As in, betul betul full. Damn this girl makes me wish I was a woman sometimes.
*Double edit for the ice cream flavor*
Posted by
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Funny how I got some major inspiration to blog, with every single words etch in my head, so motivated and so convince that I'll make one long and meaningful post during the day but the moment I sat down in front of a computer, everything went down the drain.
Posted by
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Twitter is kinda taking over my blogging mojo. Crap.
Posted by
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
ĄƒŕǾ ``~ Love is our resistance says:
vishals dotaing
hes still trying hard
*jade. says:
lol awh
i sure as hell feel his pain........
ĄƒŕǾ ``~ Love is our resistance says:
dun worry
you have something he doesnt
*jade. says:
ĄƒŕǾ ``~ Love is our resistance says:
my replays
*jade. says:
Posted by
Monday, October 05, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"OMG you got hit by a car? Did you die?"
Posted by
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oh those days were fun as hell.
They say I wasted a year and a half. They don't know shit.
Oh oh I suppose I'll start using them twitter now.
Do follow me up =)
Posted by
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Syok sendiri in my room singing Sugar, Were going down.
This is the fucking life lah.
Posted by
Thursday, October 01, 2009